Mindful Photography Workshops

The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera’

Dorothea Lange.

What is Mindful Photography?

Photography and mindfulness are inextricably linked as both require us to be connected to the present moment. We can find a stillness and focus in photography that brings our awareness to the present moment enabling us to connect to our surroundings and find new ways of seeing.

Mindful photography is an approach that reflects the experience and the moment behind the photograph. It involves slowing down and using all 5 senses to bring your awareness to to the present enabling you to connect fully to the moment and to your chosen subject. The idea is to ‘receive’ rather than ‘take’ an image by slowing down, taking time to observe your surroundings without having a specific intention in mind. By letting go of the of the goals, desires and expectations that may accompany an intention led shoot, we are able to fully immerse ourselves into the experience of seeing by opening up our receptive awareness to what nature chooses to reveal to us. Rather than being an objective observer trying to capture something while getting bogged down with settings and techniques, we become someone in harmony with the environment; the aim being we don’t take the picture – the photograph finds us.

 Whether you use a camera phone, point and shoot or DSLR camera, the workshops are aimed at both the experienced and entry level photographer.



The Workshops



Lochbroom and surrounds, Ullapool in the NW Highlands.

Duration: 3 hours

No of participants: Small groups of up to 5. 1:1 sessions are also available on request.

The workshops are aimed at helping you discover a mindful approach to the art of outdoor photography through simple activities that heighten your awareness and quieten your mind. The focus will be on expanding the way you see, rather than on the more technical elements of the camera’s controls and exposure settings. However, as the workshops will be quite small (maximum of 6 people), Justine will be available to answer any of the more technical questions you may have.


The workshops will be run along the beautiful shores of Lochbroom or in Lael Forest and timed to allow for the best lighting of the early morning / afternoon. A brief introduction will be followed by a short mindfulness activity to quieten the mind and awaken the senses. There will be a series of exercises to help refine your practice of photography into a practice of mindfulness and help develop your own way of seeing.

In a small group, you’ll spend time outdoors in nature, exploring colour, texture, form, light, and reflection while rediscovering your creativity and connection to the natural world.


To find out more please contact Justine for dates, times and prices.